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January Letter

Happy New Year Crescent Quilters!

I hope 2019 has got off to a good start for you! We've already had our first Brookswood days of the year. I am happy that I was able to attend. It is so nice to be quilt together with everyone. I made some progress on my UFO project. Unfortunately on the weekend, I just wanted to finish up the quilt, and then my sewing machine suddenly started giving me problems. That is such a frustrating experience. I took my machine all apart and put it all together again twice. I changed the needle, tried different thread. I thought I could conquer the problem, but until now I have failed.  ARRRRGH! Hopefully I get it all sorted out soon. Sometimes we get setbacks just at a time when we had so many other plans. They happen right out of the blue.

Sewing setbacks are realatively minor in comparison to other setbacks that can happen in life. Sometimes illness or accidents happen just when we least expect them. I know one of our Crescent Quilters' unexpectedly had a mishap and broke a bone this month. When I put things into perspective, it makes me realize that my setback is relatively minor. Bones do heal, but it is far more of an inconvenience than my little setback.

Whatever setbacks we face this year, lets try to set out minds on keeping a positive attitude. Sometimes this is harder to do than others, especially if there are physical discomforts involved. The nice thing about our quilting group is that we are there to give encouragement to each other when we need it. It is good to be a part of a social network like ours!

I am looking forward to Monday evening. Hope to see you all there!


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