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April Letter 2021


I hope that you have been enjoying the lovely weather we have been having these past few days. We have all heard about pandemic fatigue. It probably effects most of us. When the pandemic first started, we had no idea how long this would go on for. We have adapted, but I think we all just can't wait for things to get back to the way they were before. The day seems so much better when you can get out for a walk and enjoy the beauty of spring around you. 

The day also seems much better when you make a bit of time for some quilting. After last month's fabulous online sew, show 'n' tell, I thought perhaps there wouldn't be much to show this month in the newsletter. I was wrong. People have been busy sewing and producing wonderful quilts! I am always delighted when people send me their photos of their beautiful work. During the pandemic, I have worked harder than ever before at work. I have put in many overtime hours. This past month has been particularly exhausting for me. My mother is back in the hospital as she had a couple of falls lately. She didn't break anything, but was extremely weak. I am the only person that they will allow to visit her, so I have been going every day. Having this long weekend off of work was a much needed break for me. I almost completed my community quilt, but I am saving the photo for next month so that the binding will be complete when I show it. The number of finishes I have had this year is way down, but when I do get a chance to quilt, it feels so good! I am looking forward to the days when I will have more time to quilt once again.

Talk to you soon at the Zoom meeting!



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