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April 2022

 Crescent Quilters meeting minutes

Location: Hybrid meeting—In person at Seniors Come Share, lower level, and Zoom meeting

Date: April 25, 2022

Time: 7:00 – 9:00 pm

Attendees: 22 members in person, 8 members by Zoom (The meeting was recorded)

Minutes: Taken by and distributed by Gloria

Jean set up her iPad at Come Share to host the Zoom meeting. Gillian co-hosted the 

Zoom meeting from home. 

The meeting commenced at 7pm. The meeting was chaired by our President Susan. Susan welcomed

everyone. She explained that Ros had donated boxes of fabric from a quilter that had passed away. 

Members were encouraged to help themselves to fabric. Ros had requested that if you take some of the 

fabric to leave a little note of thanks that Ros could pass along to the family.

Debbie our membership coordinator was back from her travels. She still had a few membership cards to 

distribute to people. Here daughter helped her with the membership list and cards this year. Debbie 

wants to show appreciation to her daughter for doing this by buying her some tulips.

Bea, our treasurer reported that the bank balance as of Apr. 25th was $3,583.90 and our Petty cash 

balance was $179.60. The bank balance is with the $250.00 deducted for Kitka Neyedli.

Lynne, our Brookswood coordinator gave an update. The Next Brookswood days are April 26th and 27th


She said that many people have already let her know that they will be attending and the days will be 

quite full. The next Brookswood days after that will be May 10th and 11th The cost will be $6 per day. 

Lynne announced that Brookswood will get air conditioning sometime within the next year, but it might 

not be in time for this summer. There are supply chain shortages etc. that impact the timing of it. Prep 

work needs to be done before it is installed. They are also going to change the lighting. The plan is to 

switch to LED lights. Brookswood is asking for fundraising or donations to help cover the costs of the 


Susan posed the question of what people think we should do in June. Different options were discussed 


- Meeting at a park for a picnic and social gathering.

- Meeting at Seniors Come Share. The benefit would be that weather wouldn’t matter. Some questioned 

if food would be allowed as people would have to take their masks off to eat. This size of the room does 

not allow for social distancing when masks are off. Marette, one of our program coordinators, suggested 

that the executive committee brainstorm some ideas over the next month and present a few options to 

the group so a decision can be made. People agreed that this would be a good idea.

Donna, our community quilt coordinator is collecting community quilts to donate. She has collected 

many already this year. She will take them all in later in the year. Let her know if you need batting or 


Carolyn, our sunshine coordinator –Said to please let her know if a member needs a little sunshine. 

Susan announced that the date of the next Crescent Quilters’ meeting will be May 16th at Seniors Come 


Sew, Show ‘n’ Tell

Linda B. showed a colorful quilt she completed. She had made the top quite awhile ago. She finally 

finished it. The quilt was double sided. 

Linda B. also showed a scrappy quilt with blue boarders. She also made a quilt using a repurposed 

comforter. It contains many beautiful colors.

Marette showed a pretty shawl that had many yo-yo’s on it.

Iris made a shirt protector to donate to Come Share.

Iris also made a textile collage containing items such as lace to embellish it. She made it in a class. It is a 

tree in a circle with an owl.

Iris also made two quilts with black, white and red indigenous fabric.

Iris also made an impressive 100 blocks for 100 days quilt. She started it July 1st, and ended October 8th

There were some blocks that were paper pieced. 99.8% of the fabric in the quilt was Tula Pink fabric. 

She was sewing this quilt on her sundeck last summer when it was too hot to sew inside.

Helen made three green shirt protectors. She also made a brown and yellow hunter’s star community 

quilt. She also made a blue scrap buster community quilt.

Faith made a beautiful diaper bag. It has back pack straps as well as an over the shoulder strap. The 

inside has different compartments and pockets. The bottom has buttons on it to keep the bottom of the 

bag from getting dirty. Faith also showed a beautiful work in progress quilt top that she is making for her 

niece. It is pink, green, and white. It is huge --116” x 116”.

Lisa, one of our program coordinators introduced the guest speaker of the evening, Kitka Neyedli. Kitka

lives in Port Moody. She works at The Stichery fabric store in Port Moody. She was happy to join our 

meeting as this was her first live presentation since Covid started.

Her presentation entitled “Pressing Matters” featured a live demo on best practices with pressing tools 

& techniques as well as a Trunk Show of her works in quilting and hand embroidery.

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