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October 2023

Crescent Quilters meeting minutes
Location: Brella in person meeting on the upper level
Date: October 16, 2023
Time: 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Attendees: Annette S., Bea F. Carol P. Carole N., Carolyn S., Cherie M., Denise R., Donna M., 
Eileen W., Elaine B., Faith M., Gloria F., Helen V., Janet J., Jean H., Joan W., Karen D., 
Lisa S., Lynne D., Lynne M., Marette W., Mary Jo H., Monika M., Nancy F., Nicky A.
Terri W., Sharon G., Shelagh C., Susan McLennan. Vivian C. (30 members attended)
Minutes: Taken by and distributed by Gloria
Susan chaired the meeting. She welcomed everyone. She welcomed a new member that was attending
Cherie M. Everyone in the executive committee took turns saying their name, and what their position on 
the executive committee is for this year.
There was a discussion about batting for community quilts. A vote was taken. The choices were to buy a 
roll of batting in Canada or to buy a roll of batting in the US. The majority voted to buy the batting in 
Canada. The batting will be a 80% cotton, and 20% poly blend.
Donna has labels for community quilts. She also has batting available for community quilts upon 
request. Let her know the size of batting you need. She can make it the size you need if your quilt is a bit 
different than the usual size.
Marette made a clarification of the speaker honourarium. The maximum amount is $350. She 
encouraged any group that is still looking for a speaker to try to bargain the pricing with potential 
speakers to see if they are willing to do it for less than this. Offer a bit lower than our maximum price 
first, to see if they are willing to do it for that. Marette is leaving for three months. She will be back for 
the January meeting.
Karen D. is willing to arrange a Purdys’ Chocolate order that can raise a bit of money for our quilting 
group. She asked for a raise of hands to see how many people were interested. There was enough 
interest that we decided to go ahead with this. Karen has prepared an information sheet with the link
and date deadline for ordering and how to receive the order. This is attached in the email along with 
these minutes.
-Elaine reported the bank account balance is $3,627.42. We also have about $338 of petty cash.
-She also reported the price of our insurance has gone up. We have purchased Basic insurance through 
CQA for $368.50. By purchasing this basic insurance through them we also receive recognition as an 
associated group with CQA and a group membership. (This is not individual membership for each 
member, that is different) In order to comply with the rules that Brella gives us to meet at the site, we 
still need to purchase more insurance on top of this for another $3 million of liability. This is a 
mandatory requirement by Brella. This will cost another $338. Elaine will take care of getting this as 
Gloria gave the next set of instructions for the mystery quilt. She had printed handouts at the front for 
people to help themselves.
Next month at our November meeting the guest will be Elizabeth DeCroos. The meeting will be in 
person at Brella, and the speaker will be joining us by Zoom on the big screen. A sound check was done, 
and the speakers seem to be better. This speaker has been arranged by team four. Jean is the team lead 
for team four. Jean has supplied an information sheet about Eliabeth DeCroos and this will be attached 
to the email along with the minutes.
Nancy, the spokesperson for her group says her group has plans in the works for February 2024, but 
cannot reveal what they are as it is a mystery topic.
Faith announced that her group has arranged a speaker for March 2024. 
Show & Tell—Photos were taken by Jean (The link to these photos will be sent out later)
Mary-Jo showed one of the first quilts she ever made.
Marette showed an Orgami quilt with cranes. She explained the special meaning of the quilt.
Jean showed a piece of her book quilt. It has been on display at the Turnbull Gallery. A photo of it has 
now been published in a pamphlet put out by the gallery. She showed the pamphlet.
Annette showed a quilt called Underground railroad block of the month by Elenor Burns. She also 
showed a quilt she made in a class in Abbotsford (another block of the month quilt)
Carole showed a bag she made. It is called Charming bag.
Helen showed several shirt protectors she made and a couple of fidget quilts.
Lynne D. showed a winter quilt she made. It is green/turquoise and has fireside on the back for warmth.
Elaine showed a Fall quilt wall hanging she made.
Donna showed a table runner she made.
The Program of the evening--Six of our members gave wonderful trunk shows of their quilts. The
presenters were: Carolyn, Helen, Gloria, Eileen, Lynne, and Faith.

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