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Meeting minutes November 2015

 I know — don’t you all fall down in shock.  I am actually getting the minutes out on time this month.

Treasurer report:  Oct 19th bank balance $3822.98
Cindy Needham workshop financials
Workshop expenses $3421.23
Theater rental $ 355.91
Total expenses  $3777.14
Workshop fees income $1270
ticket sales income $ 600
Total expense $1907.14
Faith read through the current guidelines and confirmed that people have the responsibility of ensuring that their space is filled if they are unable to attend.  If their space is filled, then they get reimbursed.
Discussion followed that it isn’t clear “how” to fill the space - how will people know if there is a waitlist, etc…  Carolyn Smith and Barb Baker will get together and revise the guidelines.  
Sue called Semiahmoo Arts Council and they do not offer liability insurance.  Sue purchased the insurance through CQA.  Semiahmoo Arts Council costs $63/year, and membership is required in order to book rooms.  Room rental charges are applicable, but she did not confirm what the rates were.  Sue will keep this information on file for future reference.
Community Quilts:  Diane presented the first installment of the mystery quilt
Retreats:  There are still a few spaces available for the retreat coming up on Nov 14th and 15th.  If you want to attend, please contact Bonnie Rothe.  If you end up on the waitlist you will be first up for the next retreat.  There are two retreats scheduled for 2016 - the last weekend in February and the last weekend in November.  It costs $25 to leave items overnight, which works out to $1.25 for each person.  Payable to Bonnie.
Program:  The program for November will be TOOLS so bring a tool that you love and are willing to tell us about it.
Quilting contracts:  Elaine explained how the contracts work.  You can list 8 items on your contract.  You may list one project more than once if you choose to.  Each month Elaine will draw a number.  That will be the contract project that you are to work on that month.  When you come to the following meeting and you did make some progress on your project, fill out a ballot for a chance to win a prize.  This is done via the honor system.
Sister Mary Forgiveness will accept a project that you wish to purge from your sewing room.  It will find a new home with a CQ member, and if nobody takes it, she will find a home with another group.  If you choose to do this you can enter a ballot for that month’s draw.
The contract for November is 8.
Friendship blocks:  The following people brought in 6 blocks and now qualify to become block presenters.
Faith McLeod
Iris Zeller
Carole Nelson
Bea Fraser
They will make at least 12 copies of the block instructions and prepare at least one block as an example.  You are welcome to include special fabric if you want to have a consistent fabric in your blocks.
New business;  Carole Nelson has agreed to be Membership coordinator.  She will help with membership renewals at the end of the year, updating the membership list, and distributing the list in the following year.
I think that’s it folks - if there is anything else that I forgot to mention, please reply to all and let us know.
Have a great month.
Faith McLeod

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