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May letter

Hello everyone! I have to admit, I have barely done any sewing at all in the last month. I can't remember the last time that I have done so little sewing!  I really enjoyed my vacation in Cancun. It was like a dream. I hadn't even been on an airplane in about eight years! When I got back, reality hit. Things were extremely busy at work. I have been putting in overtime every day.

While I was on my vacation, I started reading a book that I just finished up this Saturday. It was such a nice afternoon, my husband and I went and sat on a beach at the Fraser River. We just enjoyed the beautiful day.  The sand along the Fraser river is not as great as the white powdery sand in Cancun, but it still feels nice on the toes! This is where I finished the book.
As you can see I was also practicing  swirls in the sand with a stick. Although they turn out very imperfect, I feel like it helps train my brain for free motion quilting by tracing the motion out on the sand.

I enjoyed the book because one of the characters in the book was a quilter. I Googled the author, Marie Bostwick, and I found that she has written many books that contain characters that are quilters. The author is a quilter herself. I thought I would mention it in case you enjoy reading, and would like to try reading something by this author.

As soon as I get this month's newsletter finished, I am going to get back to the sewing machine. I miss it!

I am looking forward to seeing you all soon at our next meeting. It's going to be fun!



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