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June Newsleter

Date of our year end event: June 17th

Barbeque + Garage Sale= FUN!!!
Place: Come Share
Time: Doors will open at 6pm

Bring your own plate and glass.
There will be some plastic cutlery available, but feel free to bring your own cutlery if you prefer reusable. Punch will be provided. Napkins will be provided. 
Bring whatever food you signed up to bring. 
Sort through your sewing supplies. Fabric, notions, patterns etc. Do you have some you would like to sell at the garage sale?
Put price tags on them and bring them to our Garage Sale.
Bring money to shop at the Garage Sale.
We will have Sew, Show, and Tell so bring anything you have to show. Remember, it doesn't have to be finished, we love to see what you are working on, even if it is still in progress.

Will you renew your membership?

For some, that question is a no brainer. The answer is a YES!
Others may be wrestling to decide. If you are still trying to decide, ask yourself these questions:
-Did I enjoy attending meetings this year?
-Did I learn anything by attending the meetings?
-Was I a participant in at least some of the activites that we do as a group? (eg: Sew, Show 'n' Tell, contributing to the community by donating a project, signing up to bring snacks to a meeting, attending most of the meetings)
-Am I willing to make it a goal to participate in some of the activities next year?
-Will I be able to attend most of the meetings next year?
-Do I still have the same enthusiasum as I once had to be a part of this group? --Be honest with yourself!

Hopefully by thinking about the answers to these questions, you will be able to come to your decision. If you decide not to renew, we would like to be able to say farewell to you at the barbeque. Let Gloria or Carole N. know. We hate to see people drop out of the group without being able to say good-bye! Remember the cut off for renewal is June 30th.

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