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November 2021

 Crescent Quilters meeting minutes

Location: Seniors Come Share—Basement level

Date: November 15, 2021

Time: 7:00 – 9:00 pm

Attendees: 16 members in person, several members by Zoom

Minutes: Taken by and distributed by Gloria

Before the meeting commenced, (6:30pm-7pm) members signed in, showed vaccination passports if 

they hadn’t attended the October meeting, and had temperatures taken. All attendees wore masks.

Jean logged into the Zoom link by Wi-Fi with an iPad. Bea was collecting $30 membership fees for 

Brookswood for 2022. She was giving receipts on the spot as payments were made. Helen was selling 

Sharzee tickets.

The meeting commenced at 7pm. The meeting was chaired by our President Susan. Susan welcomed


Donna, our community quilts coordinator spoke regarding community quilts. She said to let her know if 

you need batting. Also let her know what size. She will cut special sizes as needed. She is accepting quilts 

anytime throughout the year. She also has labels.

Debbie, our membership coordinator reported that membership cards will be distributed at an 

upcoming meeting. She had a delay in receiving the cards. She now has them. If you wish to pick one up 

from her before the next meeting, please make an arrangement with her to pick yours up. The card can 

be used to receive a discount at Fabricana in Richmond.

Bea gave a financial report. Our bank account balance is currently $4003.85. Petty cash is $164.35. She 

also mentioned that she still has a few receipts to distribute for the CQ membership renewal. Bea has 

purchased insurance and a guild membership through Canadian Quilters.

Susan mentioned that Zoom was being recorded. She said that it takes up large amount of memory 

space therefore asked members if it would be acceptable to delete the recording after two weeks. There 

were no objections to this.

The next Brookswood sew days are Thursday December 2nd and Friday December 3rd


Susan announced that Karen will be hosting a Christmas Party at her house on December 6th

. It was 

mentioned that people should bring finger food only to Christmas party. People attending the event 

should feel comfortable with taking their mask off. Everyone attending the party must be healthy. There 

will be an option to donate money to the food bank at the house party. There will be a Show ‘n’ Tell at 

the Christmas party. People are encouraged to car pool to the Christmas party due to limited parking in 

the area. On the same evening there will be a Zoom Christmas party. The two parties will not be 

connected, each one is separate. Susan will send out emails for people to RSVP to either event.

Sew, Show ‘n’ Tell:

Helen made some shirt savers and fidget quilts to donate to Come Share.

Debbie showed a tree skirt she made with grunge fabric

Bea Showed some community quilts (one was made by a neighbor) One quilt was a block of the month 

quilt. Another quilt she showed was a purple, blue, and pink quilt made for a friend to put on her couch.

Carolyn showed a quilt she made for a friend’s grand-daughter featuring a horse panel, and it was long 

arm quilted by Lynne.

Susan donated a community quilt that she made. It was the fourth and last quilt that she made from a 

large quilt top that she decided to cut up.

Donna introduced two of our members that she had originally booked to do trunk shows for us in April 

2020. The trunk shows were delayed, because of the pandemic. The presenters were Elaine and Linda 

B. Elaine presented her trunk show first, followed by Linda. Many beautiful quilts were shown, and the 

stories of their quilting journeys were enjoyed by all members.

Just before closing, Susan showed a hand-made fiber art card that was mailed to her by our guest from 

last month, Karen Kroeker. She thanked us for inviting her to be a guest at our meeting and said how she 

enjoyed the experience. Her work is currently on display at the White Rock Art gallery by the stairs.

There was a Sharzee draw and also draws for several door prizes.

The meeting wrapped up at 8:50pm. Several of the members helped to put away chairs and tables.

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