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Summer edition 2017

Letter from the President
Hello Crescent Quilters! I hope you are all enjoying your summer. I've had some time off work, so I've had a chance to do some quilting. I've been working on my Christmas quilt. It seems like every quilt takes me longer to complete than I first estimate, so I decided to start early. I hope you have had a chance to do some quilting as well. Besides quilting, I have been taking care of my dog Sophie, who has been ill with a bacterial infection. I've been keeping her fever down with cool baths, giving her antibiotics and anti-inflammitories, and making multiple trips to the vet. I am happy to report that she is recovering now.

I am really looking forward to chairing the meetings in our coming year. The executive commitee will be getting together soon to make plans for a great year ahead. I have been working hard on putting this new format of the SASS together for you. I hope you enjoy it. I welcome any feedback you have on it.

If you are travelling, enjoy, and come home safe! See you all in the fall at our first meeting on September 18th.