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June Newsletter

This is the year end for Crescent Quilters. The new year for our group will start again in September.
Usually we have a wind up party in June. Due to COVID 19, we were unable to have our usual June event. We are already thinking ahead to next year. Somehow we will try to find a way to enjoy each others' company in some capacity this fall.

We have four members that will not be rejoining our group next year. 
They are: Gwen A., Betty C., Darlene W., and Marjiree K.
A message from Gwen:
I have enjoyed my years with the Crescent Quilters.  The comradeship and learning opportunities are very much appreciated and I will surely miss this as I go forward.  However, I am finding the evening meetings increasingly more difficult to attend as I find myself fatigued in the evening and prefer not to drive at night.  I’m sure I will continue to enjoy quilting as a hobby and will try to apply myself to small projects.

A message from Betty:
Hi Gals, 
I would just like to say that I really enjoyed our club and have been motivated to continue to learn about our fabulous hoppy.  So many quilters who accomplished so much.  Just total envy.  

My dropping out is a direct result of some major changes that read almost Fairytale  like.  I’ve met a wonderful man about a month ago.  I decided to accept his offer of a month long motor home trip to Alberta and Saskatchewan. I gave notice at work and finally retired this June 4th.  Right now we’re in Kamloops and have to wait till early next week for repairs.  Small glitch. 

Our long term plan is to drive to Mexico this fall and then stay in Palm Desert for winter.   So.  Yes.  I’ve been pretty distracted lately.  

I have submitted some photos of a quilt that I am working on. See it in the Sew, Show 'n' Tell section.  Here is a picture of the quilt I’ve decided to finish.  It didn’t turn out like the plan.  Mostly because I didn’t read all the instructions, pulled it all apart and mushed it back together.  I have never hand quilted before but it looks like I’ll have a few quiet days to try to learn.  I watched a couple of u tube videos and I figure I have nothing to lose.  
All the best ladies and I hope to see you again.  Maybe at some quilt show or fabric shop. 

A message from Darlene:
You are a wonderful group of ladies and I am sorry to leave.  I have enjoyed the meetings and the fellowship and have learned many new techniques and tricks.  I will miss you all very much.

A message from Lynne regarding Brookswood: Next week I’m going to send out an email regarding having a tailgate time at Brookwood. 
Members to email me if there’s any interest.

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